RCD Trainers
RCD Schools typically see a significant improvement not only in behavior management, but also in school climate, student and teacher satisfaction and ultimately academic success.
Larry Thompson, M.Ed.


Joseph is a dynamic presenter who cares deeply about being mindful and fostering growth in every aspect of his professional life. His experience as a classroom teacher and instructional coach comes primarily from Title 1 schools located in historically under-served communities in both California and Texas. Deeply reflective of personal choices and highly cognizant of interpersonal dynamics, he has proven to be a skilled relationship builder, team collaborator and coach.
As a Master Certified Trainer for Responsibility-Centered Discipline™ (RCD™), Joseph aspires to see other educators gain the support and de-escalation skills he has embraced since he originally was exposed to the program in the Lubbock Independent School District. As a classroom teacher and a leader of teachers, he has seen RCD have a transformative impact on student behavior, teacher morale and school culture.
Angela Thompson, M.Ed.

Angela Thompson, M.Ed., is a Certified Master Trainer. She is also co-author of Give ‘em Five: A Five-Step Approach to Handling Challenging Moments with Students (K-6 and 6-12). She has nearly 20 years of experience in elementary education as a classroom teacher.
Although Angela enjoys the opportunity to travel throughout North America to train fellow educators, she misses the excitement of being in the classroom. Angela brings her knowledge and passion for working with young children to “Responsibility-Centered Discipline”, or RCD.
Angela has experienced firsthand how Give ‘em Five conversations, and the “Response-Ability” Process can transform classrooms and help even the toughest young students.
Brian Dinkins, Ed.d.

Brian Dinkins is an RCD Certified Master Trainer and president of the National Institute for Child Empowerment, an organization that provides parents and students in disenfranchised communities with training, mentoring and advocacy to increase access to college and careers.
Raised by a single mother in the inner city of Indianapolis, he didn’t perform well academically in high school. But with the support of teachers, coaches and mentors, he earned a B.A. from Purdue, where he played football for the Big Ten Champion Boilermakers. He is currently finishing his Doctorate in Educational Leadership at Ball State University. Brian has served as a teacher, coach and principal in urban settings at a traditional public school, two charter schools, and at a faith-based school. He currently teaches educational leadership on an adjunct basis at Marian University.
Keenan Tolbert, M.ed.

Keenan Tolbert, M.Ed., began his career as a classroom teacher and coach in New York State — and has worked at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Following a district-wide facilities merger, the need for a more consistent and effective approach to student discipline and management was recognized. Keenan accepted the role of Dean of Students at the combined middle school, and was charged with reforming school discipline. Following the core principles of Responsibility- Centered Discipline, he facilitated a major shift in the school’s approach – an approach that has transformed how students, teachers and administrators view school discipline.
Under Keenan’s leadership, together with Principal Rick Kimble, his school has become an RCD National Model School. They have experienced a significant decline in student behavioral incidents and office referrals, and the joy of watching students take responsibility for their own behaviors and personal growth. Keenan now not only works daily at supporting and training his colleagues, but also helps schools throughout North America succeed with the RCD process
Aaron Margolis, M.M.

Aaron Margolis, M.M., is a Certified Master Trainer for Responsibility-Centered Discipline. Aaron successfully implemented the supportive, non-exclusionary principles of Responsibility-Centered Discipline with his middle school students at Rohr Middle School in North Miami Beach, FL.
As a passionate educator, with years of experience in building successful programs within diverse institutions, Aaron is a leader in using student-centered approaches to improve outcomes for students and schools. Along with his other responsibilities, Aaron is the founder and CEO of ArtsEdBuddy. Aaron is a classically trained lyric baritone, with backgrounds in applied music, theatre and dance.
Phil Howell, M.ed.

Phil Howell, M.Ed., is a certified master trainer for Responsibility-Centered Discipline who has dedicated his career to teaching and guiding students with learning disabilities and self-regulation difficulties. He has been an elementary and middle school teacher, has published curriculum in reading and mathematics, and has served as a school administrator for elementary and middle school grades. An energetic and engaging presenter, he is regularly requested as a speaker and teacher trainer in schools and universities.
As Dean of The de Paul School, an independent school that serves students with learning differences, Phil leads his staff in utilizing RCD practices with students who have a history of academic struggle and negative school experiences. He has found RCD to be highly effective in empowering students to grow past disruptive behaviors that are common among students with ADHD, learning disabilities, social difficulties, emotional dysregulation issues, and negative attitudes toward school.
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Helping schools build systems that help kids learn to take responsibility for their behaviors, and thus, create an environment that brings out the best in everyone.